Micro-blogging versus real blogging

lately i’ve been having several discussions with a friend about microblogging, specifically Twitter. it started out when i tweeted about the massive, humongous urge (alright, a bit of exaggeration) of deleting my current account. not because i don’t want to tweet anymore, but because i don’t want to read any tweets anymore. sometimes reading stuff that aren’t meant for us are just pointless.. ignorance is still bliss. since everyone will always got something to say (or tweet), it’s kind of hard to control your timeline, especially if you’re one of the people who just don’t have the heart to unfollow your friends.

“I read too much into people’s social traits. I got vexed easily just by looking at my timeline. I kinda feel you @tchvinkle”

the ‘fed up’ feeling, desperate to shake off everything that is a nuisance to you.
twitter is a microblogging social network service, and by microblogging, it should mean ‘a shorter, more practical way to blog’. sadly, by the post limit of 140 characters, people are being forced to press down their writings (which is a total bummer!). for bloggers who tweet, they should’ve realized by now that the appreciation given from the readers is blatantly reduced. solely because twitter is just too packed, and a tweet is too ‘micro’ to be cared about. one of the reason i blog is to store in the stories of my life, and be able to relive them up once in a while. such a shame to throw memories away, and a tweet just ain’t got the space for ’em.
i am this close to shutting my account down. but then again, i like reading funny tweets, and twitter is so instant that you can catch on what the world is sayin’ just by looking on your timeline.
so after all, i still love to tweet. tweet tweet.
to close up this post, i’m adding few paragraphs from Mr. Paul Carr’s blog post:

“..but they at least required the writer to take the time to process the events of their life, and the attendant emotions they generated – before putting finger to keyboard. The result, in many cases, was a detailed archive of events and memories that they can look back on now and say “that was how I was then”.
“And then along came micro-blogging – and, with a finite amount of time and effort available, the blog generation turned into the Twitter generation. A million blogs withered and died as their authors stopped taking the time to process their thoughts and switched instead to simply copying and pasting them into the world, 140 meaningless characters at a time. The result: a whole lot of sound and mundanity, signifying nothing.”

4 thoughts on “Micro-blogging versus real blogging”

  1. agreed. i miss those ppl comments on my blog loh bek.. kadang2 ironis juga, pengen banget balik ngeblog lagi tapi twitter bener2 udah bikin ketagihan, dan simpel banget juga :)


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